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An Introduction to Weather Trends International: Presented by Culver Capital

Ranked 5th out of more than 10,000 on Forbes Most Promising Companies List, Weather Trends International (WTI) researches and provides concrete weather information to clients. WTI gathers its data using a proprietary formula and a combination of statistics, calculated weather variables, topography, and mathematics. The result is week-by-week weather forecasting for more than 6.4 million locations spread across 195 countries worldwide.

Clients from many unique industries take advantage of WTI’s unparalleled forecasting method. The company’s clients include members of the retail and manufacturing industries, as well as financial and consumer goods companies. These organizations use WTI’s data to improve their operations. For example, WTI’s retail clients rely on its information to determine when to ship seasonal goods to varying regions.

About Culver Capital

Culver Capital draws on more than two decades of experience investing venture capital in middle- and lower-middle market companies. When Weather Trends International’s relationship with its capital investor fell through, Culver stepped in to find WTI a new lender within a tight timeframe, allowing the company to continue operations.

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