Home > Uncategorized > Culver Capital provides investment solutions for today’s up–and-coming companies.

Culver Capital provides investment solutions for today’s up–and-coming companies.

With the downturn of the economy and unwillingness by conventional lenders to invest in small to mid-sized market opportunities, today’s entrepreneurs and business leaders frequently turn to venture capital firms to fund their growth opportunities. The California-based firm Culver Capital Group, LLC, has pursued many profitable transactions with a great deal of success. Venture capital firms often present the results of a project or transaction in the form of a “tombstone,” a positive summary that may also present a public offering of a security.

In a recent tombstone, Culver Capital described how it backed Confirma, a purveyor of computer-aided design (CAD) software, in its efforts to procure capital for the marketing of a new product. After Confirma’s regular lender turned down the request, Culver Capital stepped in and managed not only to find a lender but also successfully sought a buyer to acquire Confirma at a substantially higher sales price, something the Confirma management had been seeking for some time. Culver Capital Group runs its five financial divisions from offices in Orange County and San Francisco.

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