
Archive for June, 2012

Culver Capital provides investment solutions for today’s up–and-coming companies.

With the downturn of the economy and unwillingness by conventional lenders to invest in small to mid-sized market opportunities, today’s entrepreneurs and business leaders frequently turn to venture capital firms to fund their growth opportunities. The California-based firm Culver Capital Group, LLC, has pursued many profitable transactions with a great deal of success. Venture capital firms often present the results of a project or transaction in the form of a “tombstone,” a positive summary that may also present a public offering of a security.

In a recent tombstone, Culver Capital described how it backed Confirma, a purveyor of computer-aided design (CAD) software, in its efforts to procure capital for the marketing of a new product. After Confirma’s regular lender turned down the request, Culver Capital stepped in and managed not only to find a lender but also successfully sought a buyer to acquire Confirma at a substantially higher sales price, something the Confirma management had been seeking for some time. Culver Capital Group runs its five financial divisions from offices in Orange County and San Francisco.

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On Staff at Culver Capital

Our hard-working team contributes greatly to Culver Capital’s success. Below, we introduce some of the individuals who make that success possible.

Dominick Diaz leverages 10 years of financial services experience. He managed several banks while attending California State University, Long Beach. His experience at Culver Capital includes managing vendor financing plans and assisting with captive programs. Diaz currently oversees $25 million in client sales.

A founding member of Culver Capital Group, Maxwell Garces is Vice President of Venture Financing. He focuses on information technology and green technology, with eight years of progressive proficiency.

Vice President Chris Martin graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in planning and development. Martin focuses on middle-market activity in the commercial and venture capital areas.

An account executive for Culver Capital, Tiffany Tran builds and maintains customer relationships. Her knowledge of Vietnamese has helped Culver Capital progress in certain areas of commerce. She has a BS in Finance from California State University, Long Beach, which she obtained while working in the field of insurance.

A commercial financier, Culver Capital Group has four divisions providing an inclusive and wide-ranging set of financial services for businesses. Located in Orange County and the Bay Area of California, the leadership of Culver Capital has 110 collective years of experience.

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Culver Capital Demonstrates Track Record of Successful Transactions

Culver Capital Group, Inc., a venture capital firm with more than 20 years of experience investing in small to mid-sized companies, has conducted successful transactions with companies from various industries. Featured among its success stories is Pinnacle Transportation, a hauling company in which Culver Capital initiated an investment of $2.5 million in capital funding. Pinnacle had been presented with an ideal investment opportunity but during an economy of cautious lending, it had been unable to find a conventional investor. The funds sourced by Culver Capital allowed the hauling company to double its revenues in 2010 and maintain stability for future growth. Culver Capital recognized Pinnacle as a solid and highly disciplined company that had already implemented extensive cost-cutting measures while maintaining expenses at the minimum.

Culver Capital Group operates five divisions: investment banking, small business finance, capital advisors, technology finance, and health care finance. With offices in San Francisco and Orange County, California, Culver Capital maintains its position as a leader in creating successful financial partnerships.